There are lots of Exams are conducted by Tamilnadu Public Service Commision.They are Group 1,Group 2,Group 3,Group 4.
Group 1 Exams will be conducted soon.You can apply with your details for that exams.About- The exam notifications are started from 10.07.2015.
- The online application closing in 09.08.2015.
- The exams will be conduct on 08.11.2015.
- If you already registered for one time registration you can use it here.
One time registration
- One time registration can be apply in tnpsc exams website.
Application Edit

Benefits of one time registration
- If you pay one time payment you can use it for three exams.
- Without adding your details in every exam if you have one time registration id your work is easy.
Apply One time Registration

Group 1 registration

- If you have your one time user id and password,you can use it here.
- After giving your details give your no of uses onetime registration in that.
Application edit