With Credit Card Reader app, you have the freedom to accept credit and debit cards anywhere anytime. The developer of this app provides you an online account along with the card reader device which helps small and portable businesses accept payments via credit cards and debit cards on the go.
How this Works: The working mechanism behind Credit Card Reader is extremely simple. This simple solution processes complex transactions from your customers seamlessly and securely within a few seconds. To get this app working for you, you need to follow these steps.
First of all, you need to create a merchant account at Merchant Account Solutions. Once the account is created, you need to activate it. When your account is approved and activated, then you can request the card reader device. The card reader is available as both standalone and the card reader for Android powered smartphones.
The reader available for phones is a tiny device that can be carried with extreme ease to anywhere. It means that you can accept the cards anywhere anytime. The mobility of the device has made this a smart option for sellers and the owners of small businesses.
Merchant Account Solutions provide the device for free and it is shipped to your doorstep. You can start accepting credit and debit cards straight away once you receive the card reader device in hands. The Android app, you are going to download on this page, connects the mobile card reader with your online account at Merchant Account Solutions and your account is charged every time a customer uses your device to pay for your services and goods.
Merchant Account Solutions promises the lowest rates for credit and debit card processing for small businesses. If you are worried of charging your customers for your goods and services or if your current payment processor charges high rates, then you may love to switch to this payment processor for maximizing your profits.
Version Details:
Current version of Credit Card Reader app is v1.0.5 and you can download full APK file of the app below. Download the APK file to install the app on your device or you can go through Google Play’s official link to install it from there.