It may happen when you are in school or colleges the sites like gmail,facebook are blocked due to they are social Networks.But you may in a situation like you urgently want to view some important Documents in your gmail or you may in a situation like to see your updates in your facebook.The block network also Blocks your education websites.
About- The following websites are allows you to access the blocked websites in your network.
- You can access the sites Anonymously like incognito In Google chrome and Private Browsing in Mozilla Fire Fox.
- You can access any blocked websites.
- Click here to go browse Anonymously.(Thanks to proxy site)
- After going to the website type your url address you want to access.
- In that type your url address.e.g-If you want to access facebook.
- Type the url as facebook.com.
- Click go.Thats all you can access your website.
- You can select your server also.
- For Educational purpose only.