LocalCast for Chromecast/DLNA
LocalCast is the number one casting solution on Android with over 1,000,000 users!
Cast/Stream videos, music or pictures
FROM your phone or tablet, NAS (DLNA/UPnP or Samba), Google Drive, Google+, Dropbox or a webpage
TO a Chromecast, Nexus Player, AppleTV*, SmartTV*, Sonos, Xbox 360*, Xbox One* or other DLNA Devices*.
- Videos: Zoom & rotate (Chromecast & other Google Cast devices)
- Pictures: Zoom & rotate & pan Chromecast & other Google Cast devices)
- NAS: SMB access
- Subtitles: Opensubtitle.org integration & subs from the same folder will be added automatically
- Please be aware that the Chromecast only supports a couple of formats. It can read containers like mp4, mkv, 3gp and m4v, but all these containers can use different codecs. If you can’t hear the audio of a video, then the audio codec is not supported. If you can’t see the video but hear the audio, then the video codec is not supported.
- If you cast from your device or DLNA, the album cover will be displayed on the TV. The queue and playlists work with all files, but were added to easily set up music for your next party and don’t worry about it.
- You can rotate, zoom and pan pictures easily from the “Now playing” screen, just touch the button with the four arrows.
- You can easily add subtitles. Subtitles in the same folder will be added automatically. You can set a dedicated subtitle folder which will be searched when you start a video. Subtitle timing, font, background and color can be changed.
- You can change the subtitle encoding in the settings, e.g. for arabic subtitles choose UTF-8
- Internal subtitles which are inside the video container don’t work YET
- Touch “Route audio to phone” on the “Now playing” screen, to listen to what you are watching on your phone. This feature is in beta: it might work most of the time.
- Pdfs are converted to pictures in the app and can then be casted.
Pro Features
- No ads
- Search (device only)
- Video preview when seeking on the “Now playing” screen
Cracked Info
How To Install ?
- Uninstall any previous version of Localcast
- Download and Install Cracked APK From The Links Given Below
- Done, Enjoy