Lightning Launcher 12.6b2 (r2320) Cracked APK
Lightning Launcher 12.6b2 (r2320) Cracked APK Lightning is a fast, light and extremely customizable tool to build the perfect home screen. To build your home screen.No other launcher can compete with Lightning when it comes to customizability. Have a look at the full list of features and you will be convinced.
Lightning Launcher 12.6b2 (r2320) Cracked APK New Features
- Highly customizable desktop: change font, size, color, wallpaper, grid lines, folder options, status/navigation bar colors, layouts, scrolling & zooming options, events, actions, gestures, pretty much everything.
- Unique limitless desktop: a desktop is a surface growing as needed, in all directions. Move an icon to the right or left and a new page will be automatically created. And it works for pages above and below too! This means as much space as needed for your apps, and also a much more efficient navigation.
- As many desktops as needed: one for private, work, party, kids, etc. Add, remove and re-arrange desktops at will, each desktop being an independent and unlimited setup.
- Combined grid and free positioning: use the grid to easily align apps, use free positioning to adjust the size, position and rotation of any item (including widgets).
- Pinned items: prevent any item from moving when scrolling your pages. This is handy to create docked elements anywhere on the screen, and more.
- Scripting support: use JavaScript to unleash the full Lightning power. Load user contributed scripts to extend your setup, or create your own. With Lightning Launcher scripts, only sky is the limit!
- And lots more: enhanced app drawer, panels, Tasker integration, Lock screen, etc. Please visit the developers homepage for detailed feature list, manual and how to’s.
How Install & Use Lightning Launcher 12.6b2 (r2320) Cracked APK
- Download Setup fro Below link
- Save Downloaded Setup in Your Sd Card
- Install It as Normal
- Done it....
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My Sweet Reader Comments are always appreciated; feel happy to help others; if you feel any problem regarding installation, customization or any other problem, inform us. Cheers to amjadfreesoft.
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