Most PC users have known and unknown applications running in the background that take up your computer’s physical memory and thereby affect its performance. If you want to boost PC speed, you need a suitable program to help you free up the physical memory. Wise Memory Optimizer is a portable program that anyone who knows how to use a computer can operate.
Benefits- Automatic tune-up and optimization of RAM when PC memory goes below a set value or when the CPU is idle
- Displaying memory status on a real-time dynamic pie chart
- Ability to free as much RAM as possible
- Compatible with all modern Windows operating systems, including Windows 8
- Free of charge
Using Wise Memory OptimizerAll that is needed to use the program is to download the small program in ZIP format and extract it to a desired location. You do not need to install the executable program.
When we ran the program, it displayed a small window with a simple layout that showed memory size, used memory in red and free memory in green. It displayed the information by showing the amounts of used and free memory and displaying them in a pie chart. We clicked the "Optimize Now" button, and the program took a few seconds to free up some memory. It then displayed the amount of freed memory and time of execution.
You can customize the way the optimizer starts and works under the settings menu. You can choose whether you want the program to start automatically when Windows starts, enable auto optimization or run when CPU is idle among others. Closing the window minimizes the application to the system tray when the "Minimize to system tray" check box is marked. If this is the case, you can determine the current memory usage rate by pointing at it on the system tray.
We liked the program’s portability that allowed us to store it on a USB flash drive and run it on different computers without any prior install operations. This reduces the risk of system errors because it does not change Windows Registry entries.
Pros- Portable program that can run from external storage systems like USB flash drives
- No need of prior experience in using such tools
- Easy to configure
- Low system memory consumption
- Does not create new entries in Windows Registry
ConsIf you want a simple way to boost PC speed, then Wise Memory Optimizer is an effective solution for you.