RusLiveFull RAM 4in1 by NIKZZZZ CD/DVD (11.06.2015) | 2,81 GB
Before You updated 11 June 2015 Windows RusLive - one of the fastest Live CD. Loaded for 1 min 30 sec! All are loaded into RAM. Not all programs will run at a specified minimum memory. Assembly automatically supports multi-core processors. Details below.
* RusLive Full (multiboot option - RusLive, MemTest86+, HDD Regenerator, Victoria, VCOM Partition Commander, BootIt, PowerQuest Drive Image, Video Memory stress Test, QuickTech Pro, Symantec Ghost, Symantec Image Center, Acronis: True Image, Disk Director Suite, Windows Key Enterprise Edition, GeexBox Open Media Center).
* All are loaded into RAM (for Micro there is the possibility of a normal load).
* Not all programs will run at a specified minimum memory.
* Assembly automatically supports multi-core processors.
* A set of utilities (BootInst) allows to convert RusLive_RAM => RusLive, as well as install the Assembly on the flash drive.
* Optionally Plop driver solves the problem of slow boot from the flash drive on some motherboards.
Boot options:
* Micro - 128 Mb Ram minimum, without the support network
* Mini - 192, network, multimedia (OpenGL)
* Lan - 256, network, multimedia (OpenGL, DirectX), manual installation of drivers multimedia
* MM - 256, network, multimedia (OpenGL, DirectX)
* All with full set of drivers, support EXT2/EXT3/EXT4/exFAT/UDFS systems, GPT, USB3, DiskCryptor, support memory more than 4 Gb.
* Terabyte Image for linux (x64 EFI)
* Acronis Disk Director 12 (x64 EFI)
* Acronis True Image 2015 (x64 EFI)
* MemTest86 v5 (x86 EFI)
* MemTest86 v5 (x64 EFI)
* KonBoot (x86 EFI)
* KonBoot (x64 EFI)
* WinPE_7 (x64 EFI)
* MemTest 86+ 4.20
* Memtest 86+ 5.0
* GoldMemory
* HDD Regenerator
* Victoria HDD test
* Video Memory stress Test
* QuickTech Pro
* Acronis ADDSRV 10.2169 RU
* Acronis ATIES 9.7.8206 RU + UR
* Disk Director Home 12.0.3223
* Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Workstation Server + UR
* Acronis Disk Director 11 Advanced
* BootIt Next Generation
* BootIt Bare Metal
* Image for DOS
* Image for Linux
* PowerQuest Drive Image
* VCOM Partition Commander
* Symantec Ghost
* Passware Windows Key Enterprise Edition
* KonBoot - Password Bypass v1.1 for Windows XP
* MsDos
* RusLive_Ram (256 Mb memory)
* RusLive_Ram Micro (128 Mb memory)
* RusLive Micro (128 Mb memory)
* WinPe_7x64 (512 Mb memory)
* GeeXboX 1.2.4 Open Media Center
* GeeXboX 3.1 Open Media Center
* Plop Boot Manager
* Connect NetworkRemote
* NetInternet Explorer
* SecurityDiskCryptor
* System ToolsBlueScreenView
* System ToolsChkDsk
* System Manager ToolsDevice
* System ToolsDriver SearchzPNP Auto
* System ToolsDriver SearchzPNP Force
* System ToolsDriver SearchzPNP Manual
* System ToolsDriver SearchzPNP Quick Manual
* System manager ToolsExt2
* System Monitor ToolsFile
* System ToolsHWPnP1. Install all Hardware (PnP)
* System ToolsHWPnP2. Install all Hardware (Force PnP)
* System ToolsHWPnP3. Install USB Hardware (PnP)
* System ToolsHWPnP4. Install LPT & COM ports
* System ToolsImage Creator Wim
* System ToolsMountStorPE
* System ToolsMountStorPE-RL
* System ToolsPaging Files
* System ToolsRamDiskRam disk clean
* System Monitor ToolsRegistry
* System Root ToolsRegShot
* System ToolsRemote Regedit
* System ToolsSynchronizes letters
* Administrativedepartmental disk
* Administrirovaniya devices
* Administratorgeneral users and groups
* Administrirovaniya folder
* Administrirovanija
* Administrativearea discs
* Administrativearea computer
* Standard Calculator
* Standard ClipBook Viewer
* Standard Explorer
* Standard Notepad
* Standard On-Screen Keyboard
* Standard Registry Editor
* The Standard Task Manager
* Arc7-zip
* ArcGImageX
* ArcWinRAR
* ArcUniExtract
* AvirAntiSMS
* AvirAntiWinLocker
* AvirDrWebScanner
* AvirDrWebUpdater
* AvirNOD32
* Copy to RamDisk
* File manager managerFAR
* File Commander managerTotal
* GameChess
* GameMagic Lines
* GameMarriage
* GameSpider
* Assistant GrafCapture
* View GrafIrfan
* MediaVLC
* NetWorkFirefox
* NetWorkOpera
* NetWorkPENetwork
* NetWorkTeamViewer
* OfficeFoxit Reader
* OfficePlanMaker 2010
* OfficePSPad
* OfficeSynWrite
* OfficeTextMaker 2010
* OfficeWinDjView
* OfficexCHM
* System ToolsAcronisAcronis Disk Director 12
* System ToolsAcronisAcronis Disk Director Server 10
* System Image ToolsAcronisTrue
* System ToolsCleanCCleaner
* System ToolsCleanuTorrent cleaner
* System ToolsDebugDepends
* System ToolsDefragContig
* System Defrag ToolsDefragUltimate
* System ToolsDisk ManagerAOMEI Partition Assistant
* System ToolsDisk ManagerEASEUS Partition Master
* System ToolsDisk ManagerEassos PartitionGuru
* System ToolsDisk ManagerGhost
* System ToolsDisk ManagerMBR fix
* System ToolsDisk HDClone ManagerMiray
* System ToolsDisk ManagerParagon HardDisk Manager 2011
* System ToolsDisk Protect ManagerShadow
* System ToolsDriversDriveExp
* System ToolsDriversDriver.
* System ToolsDriversInfToReg
* System ToolsDriversSkyIAR
* System ToolsDriversSmart Driver Backup
* System ToolsERD commanderCompMgmt
* System ToolsERD commanderCrashAnalyze
* System ToolsERD commanderDiskWipe
* System ToolsERD commanderDskCmW32
* System ToolsERD commanderErd Root
* System ToolsERD commanderFileRestore
* System ToolsERD commanderFileSearch
* System ToolsERD commanderHotfixUninstall
* System ToolsERD commanderLocksmith
* System ToolsERD commanderRegEdit
* System ToolsERD commanderSfcscan
* System ToolsERD commanderSystemCompare
* System ToolsERD commanderSystemRestore
* System Clock ToolsOther1st
* System ToolsOtherStart Windows Installer
* System ToolsOtherWinMount
* System Setup ToolsOtherWinNT
* System ToolsRecoveryBcdTool
* System ToolsRecoveryBoot sector restoration tool
* System ToolsRecoveryBOOTICE
* System ToolsRecoveryLicense Crawler
* System ToolsRecoveryR-Studio
* System ToolsRecoveryRecover My Files
* System ToolsRecoveryTestDisk
* System ToolsRecoveryUFS Explorer V3.16
* System ToolsRecoveryUFS Explorer V5.11
* System ToolsRegistryRegistry ReanimatorAutorepair
* System ToolsRegistryRegistry ReanimatorFull fixed disk(s) search
* System ToolsRegistryRegistry ReanimatorStandart
* System ToolsRegistryRegistry Workshop
* System ToolsRegistryRegShotUni
* System ToolsSecurityCmosPWDKill
* System ToolsSecurityCmosPWDRestore
* System ToolsSecurityCmosPWDWrite
* System ToolsSecurityInfo
* System Reset ToolsSecurityPass
* System ToolsSecurityPassWordRenew
* System ToolsSecurityReset Windows Password
* System ToolsSecurityWindowsGate
* System ToolsSecurityXP-Key-Reader
* System ToolsSysinternalsAutoruns
* System ToolsSysinternalsRemote Autoruns
* System ToolsTeraByteImage for Windows
* System ToolsTeraByteOS Deployment Tool Suite
* System ToolsTeraBytePartition Information
* System ToolsTeraByteTBI Mount
* System View ToolsTeraByteTBI
* System ToolsVirtualVirtualBox
* TestAIDA64
* TestCPU-Z
* TestCPUBurn-in
* TestDxDiag
* TestHard Disk Sentinel
* Speed TestHD
* TestHDScan
* TestHDTune Pro
* TestLLF Tool
* TestNero disk speed
* TestSystem Information Viewer
* Test TestTFT
* TestVictoria
* TestVideo Memory stress Test
* USB Flash Drive Information
* USB Flash Memory Toolkit
* UsbHP USB Tool
* UsbPanda USB Vaccine
* UsbRufus
* ViewDrive Image Explorer
* ViewGhost explorer
* ViewHxD Hex Editor
* ViewWinhex
Changes from 11.06.2015:
* AIDA64
* AntiSMS
* TotalCmd
* PotPlayer
* WinNTSetup
* MemTest86 (EFI)
* Memtest86 4.3
* TeraByte image for Windows - bug with Russification
Interface language: Russian /English