Mirillis Action!
Action! allows streaming and real-time recording of Windows Aero desktop in a superb HD video quality. With Action! you can record and stream your gameplay, web player videos, record music, capture screenshots, remotely access your PC, play PC games with Android devices....
Mirillis Action! latest updates 2015
- Windows, Windows Aero, DirectX® 8/9/10/11, OpenGL®
- Video codecs FICV (Fast Intra Compression Video - Mirillis codec)
- H.264/AVC
- Audio codec Linear PCM (Stereo/5.1) (AVI)
- AAC LC (Stereo/5.1) (MP4)
- Video resolution Single Display - up to 4K (3840x2160)
- NVIDIA 3D Vision, AMD Eyefinity - up to 8192x8192 (AVI)
- up to 4K (3840x2160) (MP4) with Intel® Quick Sync Video , NVIDIA NVENC and AMD APP
- up to 4K (3840x2160) (MP4) with software video encoding
- Video framerate 15, 20, 24, 25, 30, 50, 60, 120(AVI)
- Output file format AVI 2.0 (FICV)
- MP4 (H.264/AVC)
- Video recording modes Games and applications
- Active screen
- Active desktop region
- Video recording options Time-Shift (Games and applications)
- Single or dual webcam recording
- 30bit Windows desktop recording
- Perfect Video Match mode
- Time limited recordings
- Adding custom logo and other overlay graphics for video recordings
- Optional mouse cursor recording
- Optional mouse clicks visualizations
- Audio options Recording system sounds
- Stereo or multi-channel sound recording
- Optional microphone recording into separate audio track
- Recording microphone
- Microphone volume adjustment
- Microphone mixing level adjustment
- Video recordings playback Internal Action! player for video recordings playback
- DirectShow filter to playback AVI video recordings with 3rd party video players
- Supported streaming services Twitch.tv / Justin.tv
- YouTube
- hitbox
- Livestream
- Ustream
- Aliez.tv
- Custom RTMP
- Video codec H.264/AVC
- Audio codec AAC LC (Stereo)
- Video resolution Up to 1080p (60p) with Intel® Quick Sync Video , NVIDIA NVENC and AMD APP
- Up to 720p (30p) with software video encoding
- Video framerate 15, 20, 24, 25, 30, 50, 60
- Output file format (with option "Record streamed video to disk" enable MP4 (H.264/AVC
- Remote PC Windows desktop control
- Remote PC games on Android devices up to 1080p 60fps
- Secure, encrypted connection
- Action! HUD Displaying framerate for games, applications and desktop
- Displaying average framerate for games, applications and desktop
- Displaying detected 3D engine for games and applications
- Displaying recording, benchmarking and screenshot capturing status
- User Interface Multilingual
- Video recordings manager with thumbnail view
- Audio recordings manager
- Benchmarks manager
- Screenshots manager
- General features Automatic Action! window hiding before recording start
- Automatic Action! window showing after recording is finished
- Profiles for Active desktop region mode
- Custom hotkeys
- Multicore CPU Support
- Automatic Updates
How Install & Registered Mirillis Action! with Universal Crack
- Download Setup from Below Links
- Now Install & the Downloaded Setup as Normal
- Close the Program
- Now Run the Crack & Hit The Crack
- Wait till Pop Massage Crack Successfully
- You Done it with Help of keypointlinks.com
- Please share For Other ....
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